Sunday, March 14, 2010

Considering a Name Change

Yea, I know...haven't done this in a while.  There has been drama in the ministry.  Seems like, due to the economy and building loan problems, the tithing is down and we're in the red.  So, they [this is an elder/trustee run church] want to cut expenses but reorganizing from the bottom up[??????????] Anyway, I'm on the bottom rung of the totem pole and was initially cut to part-time.  PT was not going to pay the bills!!! There was lots of nashing of teeth and tears b'cause of the way it was done.  So, I started the resume/interview process after 14 years of being out of touch with that stuff.  The short of it is that I now have a full-time job in a doctor's office starting Monday, March 15th.  Boy, were they surprised I found a job and so soon.  When one door closes He opens up another.  Praise, glory, and honor belong to Him.  So keep your dial set on this station for further developments.


  1. Welcome back to blogland!

    Love you. Congrats & God Bless tomorrow on your new job.

  2. Congratulations on the new job! Hope you really enjoy it. What are you doing? Office manager?
